Smells Like Sour

Pearl Jam - Last Kiss

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PostPosted: December 19, 2003 12:07 PM 

For me, the best song in the World...


Posts: 44

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PostPosted: December 20, 2003 5:04 PM 

Listen to the original version by 'Wednesday' - dated but still the original.


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PostPosted: December 20, 2003 11:01 PM 

I have to correct you there Marty. Last Kiss was originally written and recorded by Wayne Cochran? In 1964, J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers covered it and Last Kiss was a top ten hit.

Wednesday didn't get their hands on it until 1974 when they covered it again. It's worthy to note that Wednesday is CANCON - unfortunately, Last Kiss was not a Wednesday original.


Posts: 44

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PostPosted: December 21, 2003 7:10 AM 

Thank you for the clarification Mike – I stand corrected. I had no idea that ‘Last Kiss’ had such a legacy!
...guess that’s what happens when you grow up listening to K-Tel records in a small Canadian town...we thought CANCON was what the world listened to. (Wednesday’s version of ‘Last Kiss’ was included on K-Tel’s ‘Sound Explosion’; product number TC 213, 1973)


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PostPosted: December 21, 2003 11:52 AM 

Damn, I had a few K-Tel records in my collection too. That's how I got all the hits back in the early 80s!

That K-Tel link brought back a whack of memories. I remember the advertisements on tv like it was yesterday. Wait, it was yesterday. I've got to stop watching those old tapes...


Posts: 44

Reply: 5

PostPosted: December 21, 2003 1:02 PM 

Further to the legacy (and origins) of ‘Last Kiss’...the J. Frank Wilson version was featured on K-Tel’s ‘Rock’n Roll Fever’ (1982) So…that’s why you know so much about this song Mike! Must be the generation gap; I stopped listening to K-Tel records c1977 (lol)

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